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Liter Smoking Liquid
Moving Heads
GLOW Visitors
The social cohesion between individuals in public spaces has decreased during the pandemic. Through our light artwork Ballroom, we from Team IGNITE investigate reigniting the feeling of social cohesion amongst the GLOW visitors. We invite you to experience our modern Ballroom situated in “de Markthal” on the TU/e campus. This installation does not only offer the possibility of dancing with each other, but also to dance with twelve shining dance partners, embodied by beams of light, gracefully in search of a partner to dance with on the music of the student orchestra of Quadrivium.The visitors are anonymously tracked based on infrared imaging, so the light beam chooses its dance partner on the fly. This happens in real-time thanks to state-of-the- art sensing system and algorithms provided by the TU/e Crowdflow Research Group. The light beam will move around its chosen dance partner so that a dance between the two begins. The result is an actual ballroom festively filled with color, music, and dance. Enter the Ballroom and experience the long- expected feeling of connectedness again.
"Enhancing social cohesion in the midst of social distancing"
GLOW 2021
Created in collaboration with Studio Philip Ross
& Quadrivium
© Bart van Overbeeke
Location: TU/e Campus
Project Members
Robbie Melaet, Tim de Jong, Thom Smits, Floris Thoonen, Noortje van Velzen, Katja van Weert, Quinn van Rooy, Maarten van den Elshout, Lynn Visser, Ymke Verspui, Samuel Oosterholt, Timon Adriaanssen, Tristan Trouwen, Jente Vermeer.
Realization Partners