Project Designer
Function Description
As a designer in a Project you work in a diverse project team that is working towards GLOW or another event/location. Together with your team you start by ideating and will keep developing until a final product. This includes ideating, prototyping, user testing and even more prototyping in the mean time. You have the chance to develop a unique project which will look great on your portfolio and can help you develop you skills. Your role a designer in the team can be from developing the concept, looking into the user experience, working on the prototype or develop the story behind a project. Since they're any many different tasks within the team you can learn something new or bring the skills you have to a higher level. Your hard work will result in a high quality project to present at light festival(s), music festivals and/or events.


SEP 2024- JUN 2025
Skills (to learn or further develop)


Tanja Vorotilova (Peace Memorial Project 2022)
"As an Industrial Design student I joined a project to get more insight and expertise in the final stages of the design process, as they are barely covered during bachelor courses. Working with Team IGNITE, and especially this project team, showed a greater perspective on the business relations and communication efforts needed to realise a project, which will be useful in the future"